Safety Protocols & Ticketing Information – Updated

Protecting the health and safety of our audience, actors and staff is of the utmost importance to all of us at Cinnabar Theater. As we reopen our stage, we will be following COVID-19 safety protocols as laid out by the State of California and the CDC.
California and CDC guidelines allow live theatre performances at 100% capacity.
Please note the following before purchasing your tickets:
- All are welcome to attend a show at Cinnabar when they feel safe to do so. We rely upon our patron’s goodwill and good sense to help ALL of us remain healthy & to keep the theater open.
- We are reopening at 100% capacity.
- We are requesting that all patrons who purchase a ticket be vaccinated to come into the theater.
- Mask use is optional.
- Actors will NOT be masked during the performance.
- Drinks & food will not be allowed in the theatre.
For your safety and comfort, Cinnabar Theater affirms that:
- 100% of our staff, crew and actors have been fully vaccinated and are healthy. Staff will remain at home if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, cold, flu or other illness.
- The lobby, restrooms and theatre will be cleaned frequently, with seats wiped down before every performance.
- Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the lobby.
- As safety protocols change, we will adjust our policies and procedures accordingly.