Planning your Visit
Where can I see the Main Stage Productions?
This year, our main-stage productions of Oklahoma, Gutenberg the Musical, Steel Magnolias, and Bright Star will perform at Sonoma State University. Click Here to learn more about getting to the venue.
Where can I see the Young Rep Productions?
This year, our Young Rep productions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Wizard of Oz, Hamlet, and Head Over Heels will perform at the Petaluma Santa Rosa Jr. College Campus. Click Here to learn more about getting to the venue.
When Should I Arrive At The Theatre?
We recommend you arrive 30 minutes prior to curtain. Performances begin promptly. Latecomers will be seated at the House Manager’s discretion.
Wheelchair Access
Cinnabar Theater offers accessible parking and wheelchair ramps. Wheelchair spaces in the theater can be purchased with up to one companion seat. Patrons who purchase a wheelchair space must have their own wheelchair or walker to sit in for the duration of the performance. Companion seats may not be purchased without also purchasing a wheelchair space.
General Information
Cinnabar Theater Administrative Offices
2200 Petaluma Blvd #700 Petaluma, 94952
(This is also the mailing address)
Phone: 707-763-8920 Box Office line
In Person Box Office Hours: TBA
Open an hour before performances.
Parking passes can be bought at Sonoma State University kiosks.
Main Stage Performances: Sonoma State University - Warren Theater, Located in Ives Hall: 1801 East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Young Rep Performances: Santa Rosa Jr. College, Petaluma Campus - Carole L. Ellis Auditorium: 680 Sonoma Mountain Parkway, Petaluma, CA 94954
Can I Bring Children To The Theatre?
We love introducing young people to live theatre! However, some of our productions include mature subject matter and/or language that may be inappropriate for children. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to detail the content of our shows—adults are ultimately the best judge of what is right for the young ones in their charge. No babes in arms.
Dress Code
Cinnabar does not have a dress code. We like you just the way you are! We do ask that you consider going without when it comes to wearing perfumes or colognes, as some people around you might be sensitive to strong smells.
To food or not to food?
Since the sound of food wrappers and chomping can be disruptive to other people in the theatre, we ask that you don't bring in any food. (Not to mention stains can be a pain to get out of those theatre seats!) You're more than welcome to bring in water as long as it's in a container with a lid.
Recording of Productions
Much like how you would not pirate a movie by recording it in the movie theatre, we ask that you not record any of our productions. Not only is it disruptive to the other people around you, but there are plenty of legal reasons why not to as well.
Cellphones and Electronics
Please keep your cellphone off, and silence and dim all electronic devices, (such as apple watches) during all performances. We promise that no text message you get will be nearly as exciting as the show we are putting on for you!
What Happens If A Show Is Canceled Or Postponed?
We will comply with all local requirements for public assembly, but we intend to deliver live shows to our patrons no matter when they fall. If we need to postpone a production, we will automatically move your tickets to a comparable date within the new run of the show. If you need to exchange your tickets within that run, you can do so at no additional cost.
What Measures Will You Take To Keep Audiences Safe?
Cinnabar Theater will comply with all local requirements for public assembly and with CDC recommendations that pertain to areas of public assembly. Our top priority is to ensure you feel safe and comfortable in our home.
- All patrons are welcome to wear face masks in all areas of the theater and throughout the performances, however mask use is optional
- We are ensuring our theater's ventilation systems are up to the recommended standard for COVID-19 protection.
- While we are not requiring proof of vaccination, we encourage our audience members to please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
We are being flexible and accommodating to changing guidelines and will communicate these to our patrons, as we learn of them.
Thank you for your patience!